Terms and Use Agreement

These terms and use agreement rule the Comunidade Intermunicipal do Middle Tagus website. It is recommended to read it before proceeding with the visit.


These Terms and Use agreement rule the utilization of the website templarportugal.com, property of the Comunidade Intermunicipal do Middle Tagus, hereinafter CIMT.

If you wish to contact the CIMT regarding matters related to this website, you may do so by contacting: geral@cimt.pt

Access and use of this website are the sole responsibility of the user, who is subject to acceptance of these terms and conditions of use, the privacy policy and data processing transcribed here. The use of this website as well as the relations between CIMT and users are governed by applicable Portuguese legislation.

CIMT reserves the right to change these terms and conditions of use, or revise the privacy and data processing policy, if needed, at any time, with or without prior notice. Click on the "Terms and Use agreement" located on the website to consult its current version. The current version of the Terms and Use agreement replaces all previous versions.

If you do not agree with these Terms and Use agreement, do not use the website. These Terms and Use agreement and the Privacy Policy are a contract between the user and CIMT and apply to the use of this website. It is the user's responsibility to read and review it whenever accessing the website, to be aware of any changes made, as it affects users’ rights.


"Website content" means all the information on this website, namely text, images, photographs, videos, illustrations, graphic design and web design.

All content is protected by Copyright and Related Rights, and Industrial Property Rights, under Portuguese and European Union laws, international conventions and other laws, and cannot be used outside the conditions accepted on this website and without the consent of the CIMT .

The contents contained on the website, or any other industrial or intellectual property rights contained therein, are the property of CIMT, and its use by unauthorized third parties is expressly prohibited. The content of the website is provided for information and personal use only, and cannot be used, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, disseminated, sold, licensed or, in any other way, exploited for any other purpose without prior written consent of its owner. The user declares not to use, disable, or interfere with security-related features of the Website and the Application.

The user may, however, print material contained in this website, as long that it is not modified, whether for personal and non-commercial use, and must name the source and copyright, maintain all sorts of ownership, that can’t be removed.

Nothing on this website should be interpreted as granting any type of license or other use authorization to its users.

The Website may contain images or other materials whose copyright belongs to third parties, such as suppliers or other entities that contribute to its creation or maintenance (such as, for example, stock photos).

Although the personal data provided to CIMT are within the scope of the privacy and data processing policy contained in these terms and use agreement, any information or other content that the user transmits through this website, whether through email, sending of files or otherwise will be deemed non-confidential and non-proprietary.


The user agrees that the use of the Website is at his own risk. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CIMT disclaims all warranties, express or implied, related to the use of the Website. CIMT does not assure the correctness or accuracy of the content made available on its websites, and does not assume any responsibility or liability for any (i) errors or inaccurate content, (ii) personal injury or damage to property, of any nature, resulting from the access and use of the website and application, (iii) unauthorized access or use of our secure servers and/or personal information, (iv) interruptions or cessation of transmission to or from our website, (iv) errors, viruses, trojan viruses or similar that may be transmitted to or through the website, and/or (v) errors or omissions in the contents or any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of contents published, sent, transmitted or made available through the website (vi) unavailability or any difficulty or inability to download or access the content or any other failure in the communication system that may result in the unavailability of the website.

CIMT reserves the right to make changes and corrections, change the name, suspend, or close the website when it seems appropriate and without prior notice to users.


CIMT does not control or manage the information, products or services of the contents provided by third parties on the CIMT websites, as well as the links to other websites on the Internet, therefore it cannot be held responsible for errors of any nature, or incorrect data on these websites and/or content, including its privacy policies and practices. The inclusion of content provided by third parties and hyperlinks on CIMT websites does not imply acceptance of the content therein or a relation with their owners. It also does not mean that CIMT has any rights over the contents of mentioned websites.

Accessing and visiting any of these third-party websites is carried out at the user's full risk, with the user being responsible for any use and/or the resulting consequences.

CIMT rejects any responsibility for any direct, indirect and/or incidental damages resulting from the use or inability to use the materials contained in this website, as well as it does not control or is responsible for any illegal, offensive, or defamatory conduct of its users.

The website is controlled and offered by CIMT from facilities in Portugal. Anyone accessing or using the website from other jurisdictions does so on their own initiative and is responsible for compliance with local laws.

The electronic publications contained on this website are subject to Portuguese law, insofar as it is applicable to them, namely for the purposes of responsibility for facts, opinions, articles, and comments by duly identified people or bodies, as well as with regard to the protection of sources and other duties, rights and freedoms applicable to the written press.


The User may download or copy material strictly for personal use, with CIMT remaining the owner of the respective copyright.

The User is obliged not to attack or illicitly use the CIMT systems or websites, being responsible for and bearing all costs associated with illicit actions attributed to him. Among others, the following are considered illegal actions:

a) Access an unauthorized area/account and respective information;

b) Test and assess the vulnerability of the system and break the installed security;

c) Install or try to install a virus on the portal;

d) Sending unsolicited emails that include promotions or advertising for products or services;

e) Trigger or attempt to trigger "denial of service" attacks (an attempt to make a system's resources unavailable to its Users).


CIMT reserves the right to interrupt or suspend access to CIMT websites, for the period it seems necessary, for any technical, administrative, force majeure or other reasons. Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous number, the CIMT cannot be held responsible for any suspension or interruption of access that may occur for reasons that are not attributable to it or that are attributable to mere negligence.

  1. ALERT

Without prejudice to the commitment to confidentiality (which must be taken as an obligation of means) regarding the use of personal data (to find out about our policy on the use of personal data click here - hyperlink ), the CIMT warns that there are risks related to the Internet and databases, being possible that the personal data contained in the website may be captured and/or transferred by third parties, namely in countries where personal database protection systems are still in underdeveloped stages and where protection is scarce and ineffective. Users, when accessing the CIMT websites, must accept the risks inherent to their activity as an Internet user, namely the risk of possible transfer of open data.


Users of CIMT websites declare and guarantee that they are perfectly aware of the characteristics and constraints, limitations, and defects of the Internet, and that data and information transmissions via the Internet only benefit from relative technical reliability, circulating in heterogeneous networks of characteristics and various technical capacities, which disturb access or make it impossible in certain periods. Users acknowledge that any website/portal is subject to interference by unauthorized third parties and that it may consequently be interrupted, and that information circulating on the Internet is not protected against possible deviations (free access), against possible viruses, and that any person is likely to create a link with access to the website/portal and/or the elements contained therein, accepting the inherent risks. CIMT cannot in any circumstances be held responsible for accidental or voluntary damages suffered by users and caused or not by third parties in the scope of using the services provided on the websites or elsewhere on the Internet that they have accessed through it. CIMT is not responsible for any damage that may be caused by using the service, including virus contamination.


Through our Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy, it is intended to make Users aware of the general rules for the processing of personal data, which are collected and treated in strict respect and compliance with the provisions of the personal data protection legislation in force. at all times, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC. Law that ensures the implementation, in the Portuguese legal order, of the aforementioned Regulation: Law n.º 58/2019, of 8 August.

Retaining this information allows CIMT to continue to provide personalized services without interruption.


These Terms and Use Agreement and any rights and licenses granted herein cannot be transferred or assigned by the user, however, they may be assigned by CIMT to third parties, without any restriction.


These Terms and Use Agreement and the Privacy Policy will be governed by Portuguese law and will be interpreted in accordance with Portuguese law.

Conflicts and disputes of any nature relating to the formation, execution or interpretation of this Agreement will be governed by Portuguese law.